Lovecraftian FMV game, The Infectious Madness of Dr. Dekker, is due on consoles in June

Fans of FMV video games will be happy to hear that another one is nearing console release. One that goes by the name of The Infectious Madness of Dr. Dekker, and is set to launch this June.

As a psychiatrist, players will use text entry and a predetermined response system to solve a murder, all the while treating the strange patients of the recently deceased Doctor Dekker. Ask any questions you have, and collect evidence through answers, as you attempt to gain insight into the murderer’s identity and deal with the chaos that has been left behind.

Be warned, though. As the press release states, “they’ll have questions for you too, so you’ll need to be careful about what you say. Your words will determine their eventual fates, and your own!”

The Infectious Madness of Dr. Dekker will be released on June 5th, and will be playable on Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4. A keyboard is NOT required.