Jon Cryer, of Two and a Half Men fame, is back with another sitcom. Entitled Extended Family, the NBC show...
Disney has released the first trailer for the upcoming Star Wars limited series, Obi-Wan Kenobi. With themes from the prequel trilogy (Duel...
According to Deadline, the famed PlayStation God of War franchise may be heading to Prime Video in the form of a...
For the first time since the character’s debut on Xbox in 2001 (or in 1999 at Macworld, if we’re being...
What would a Game Awards show be without Halo? During tonight’s stream, we received our first look at a trailer...
Yesterday was certainly a big day for DC fans across the world! Despite splitting itself across two events in the...
Earlier today, DC and Warner Bros. revealed their plans to hold a 24 hour-long online event later this summer. They...
In what may be a perfect role for him, Nicolas Cage has been cast as Joe Exotic, the subject of Tiger...
On this May 4th, also known as Star Wars Day, Disney has announced via Twitter that it is in production of...
In May 2017, Netflix announced that it would be producing a series based on author Andrzej Sapkowski’s The Witcher book series. This week,...