Forza Horizon 4 is a shared world experience with gameplay altering seasons

One of the biggest names in interactive racing returned with a vengeance today, when Microsoft and Playground Games unveiled Forza Horizon 4. A 60 frames-per-second shared, open world experience, that is set within the beautiful British countryside.

Forza Horizon 4 was first introduced with a stunning trailer, before several players demoed the beautiful-looking game on stage. At this point of the conference, it was revealed that not only will the game be a shared world, wherein players will see and interact with many others as they drive down streets, paths and alleyways, but it will also feature gameplay altering seasons.

Yes, seasons are coming to Forza Horizon, and they look beautiful! They’re also dynamic, and promise to change the way we play. For instance, winter will bring with it frozen lakes that will create new places to drive.

Forza Horizon 4 will release on October 2nd, on Xbox One, Xbox One X and Windows 10. Of course, it will also be made available through Xbox Game Pass at launch.