Nintendo officially announces Switch 2, releasing in 2025 Christopher Kalanderopoulos Gaming January 16, 2025
73% Transference Review Brent Botsford Gaming October 23, 2018 0Virtual reality technology has certainly been divisive in the gaming medium, but there have been some very uniquely enjoyable narrative...
Transference is now available in both VR and non-VR capacities Chad Goodmurphy Gaming September 18, 2018 0Actor Elijah Wood has entered the world of gaming, with the release of his studio’s cryptic first-person title, Transference. The...
Ubisoft has released a Transference demo for PS4/PSVR Chad Goodmurphy Gaming August 20, 2018 0One of the more interesting titles to grace E3’s many stages was Transference, from actor Elijah Wood and his SpectreVision...
Transference is the trippy psychological horror game from Elijah Wood’s studio Chad Goodmurphy E3 2017 June 12, 2017 0Perhaps I’d been living under a proverbial rock, but I was unaware of the fact that Elijah Wood had started...