Say hi to our newest contributor, Erika Szabo!

We’ve always known ourselves to be a relatively small operation without a big budget or big exclusives (though we wouldn’t argue with the latter), but we’re also very proud of the fact that we’re able to keep a tight-run show with great content. Adding to our list of contributors today is Erika Szabo.

Erika has been writing about video games since 2009, but her true start in gaming came along when she was six years old. We run into her at almost every event we attend, and it was about time that we did some work together. Erika is going to highlight some retro gaming with a column every week or so, starting next week with something from the 1980’s on the original NES.

You can check out Erika’s other works in the meantime by heading over to the Future Shop Tech Blog where she is also a contributor. She’s also got her own blog, I Am Erika Szabo, where you can read, among other things, her review of Xenoblade: Chronicles and see just how close the verdict comes to ours. Oh, and you can follow her on Twitter, too!