Latest 3DS update adds Miiverse, Nintendo Network ID

Nintendo’s latest system update for the 3DS – one that brings Miiverse and Nintendo Network ID to the handheld platform – is now live.

As announced in their Nintendo Direct in November, the update allows users to log in with their Nintendo Network ID to unify their Wii U and 3DS accounts. This also means a single gift card or account balance to be used on both systems without the need to segregate funds by console.

Miiverse has also been added to the handheld console. The social network of sorts, which first debuted with the launch of the Wii U, has finally made it to Nintendo’s portable machine, making it possible to discuss as much ZeldaMario, and Smash Bros. as you can, even when you’re on the go (assuming you have a WiFi connection, of course).

miiverse_sur_3ds_en_cours_d_anneel8wdjpbmc4If you don’t have a WiFi connection, some offline Miiverse functionality will still be there, including the ability to queue up some posts so that they go live when a connection is reestablished. If you’re anything like us, that means hopping on a subway and not having to worry about remembering what you wanted to write when you get to a hotspot.

Perhaps the coolest tech is being able to post screenshots from either screen of the handheld, though we imagine Nintendo will allow developers to limit this like they can on the Wii U.

Nintendo wants to make sure you’re buying as many consoles as possible, so they’ve made it possible to transfer your content and purchases to a new 3DS or 2DS as many times as your heart desires, provided you only do it once every seven days. The previous limit was five, which should be enough for most people, though at the rate Nintendo is releasing handheld bundles and custom hardware, we wouldn’t be surprised if the infinite limit comes in handy for a lot of people going forward.

What’s your favourite bit of the new system update? Will this keep you gaming on your 3DS more than before? Let us know on Twitter, Facebook, and in the comments below!