While we’re only just getting a look at the next generation of Project Morpheus, likely to be dubbed the PlayStation 4 VR Headset, Sony worldwide studio head Shuhei Yoshida has let slip that we may be seeing some games designed for the peripherals as early as E3 in three months.
With the console accessory slated to ship in the first half of 2016, it may not be as early as we think, however, as games have likely been in development for over a year by this point.
Speaking with GameSpot at GDC last week, Yoshida said Sony hasn’t “talked about these games as yet. We are waiting for the right time. Starting probably at E3, we will start to show the actual games.” He also said that he is very excited for these games, though he is more excited for the games he doesn’t even know about yet.
As for pricing of the peripheral, while we don’t have a specific price point yet, Yoshida also commented, saying they plan to offer Project Morpheus for as low a price as possible, specifically citing that doing so will likely bring the most consumers in. This strategy appears to be in stark contrast to the PlayStation 3 launch, when hardware was priced within a hair of being too expensive for anyone on the planet to afford.
With a price-conscious strategy, however, Project Morpheus could actually take off, and according to Yoshida, the hardware has been finalized, which means the platform could very well be in the stages of negotiations to get components down to a reasonable cost.
All this talk of Sony’s virtual reality offering only makes us that much more excited for E3 2015 when we can expect to see not only the new revision of the hardware, but also some of these new titles, assuming their announcement doesn’t get pushed beyond June’s show.
When we see the hardware, and play the games, we’ll make sure to report back on our experience. Until then, check out our hands-on impressions of Project Morpheus and the shark demo from E3 2014.