Nintendo officially announces Switch 2, releasing in 2025 Christopher Kalanderopoulos Gaming January 16, 2025
E3 2015 Impressions: The Last Guardian Christopher Kalanderopoulos E3 2015 June 28, 2015 0A game we’ve been waiting for since its original 2009 unveiling, The Last Guardian predictably delivered some of the biggest cheers...
E3 2015: How close were our predictions? Christopher Kalanderopoulos E3 2015 June 27, 2015 0Each year at E3, we predict What Will, What Might, and What Won’t happen. This year, we feel like we actually got...
Original Xbox backward compatibility very possible on Xbox One Christopher Kalanderopoulos E3 2015 June 22, 2015 21In the behind-closed doors demo of the Xbox One platform updates, Microsoft showed off plenty of the improvements coming to...
E3 2015 Hands-on Impressions: Runbow Brent Botsford E3 2015 June 21, 2015 0Runbow is one of the most highly publicized Wii U-exclusive indie games set to release in 2015. The debut project of...
E3 2015 Hands-on Impressions: Soul Axiom (Wii U) Brent Botsford E3 2015 June 21, 2015 0Wales Interactive has made a name for themselves developing atmospheric, abstract and highly ambitious sci-fi stories in the indie game...
E3 2015 Hands-on Impressions: Extreme Exorcism Brent Botsford E3 2015 June 21, 2015 0Extreme Exorcism is ridiculous! It truly lives up to its name, being an arcade-style romp that’s all about shooting up ghosts…...
E3 2015 Hands-on Impressions: RIVE Brent Botsford E3 2015 June 21, 2015 0Some indie games are quiet, pensive and peaceful, introspective and calming with their sense of self-examination and tranquility. RIVE is not one...
E3 2015 Hands-on Impressions: Oculus Rift, EVE: Valkyrie, Edge of Nowhere Christopher Kalanderopoulos E3 2015 June 21, 2015 0Virtual reality seems to be the biggest craze in video games today. A few years ago, 3D technology was huge,...
Opinion: Forget the hype, Bethesda’s E3 was lacklustre at best Christopher Kalanderopoulos E3 2015 June 20, 2015 0Bethesda’s E3 showing was arguably the most-hyped of recent memory, perhaps because they’ve never held their own press conference let...
E3 2015 Hands-on Impressions: Freedom Planet (Wii U) Brent Botsford E3 2015 June 20, 2015 0If you’re at least in your twenties, then Freedom Planet is going to look very familiar to you. If you grew up...