Life is Strange 2: Episode 1 is now free-to-download

In an effort to entice more people to check out their beautiful, narrative-driven game, DONTNOD has made the first episode of Life is Strange 2 free-to-download. This decision came into effect today, and will remain permanent going forward.

The following text was taken directly from today’s press release:

Life is Strange 2 is an exciting, moving narrative-adventure, in which your decisions influence both the game’s story and characters.

Episode 1 delivers around three hours of gameplay, which starts after a tragic incident forces brothers Sean and Daniel Diaz to run away from home. Fearing the police and dealing with Daniel’s new telekinetic power – the power to move objects with your mind – the boys decide to flee to Mexico for safety.

Suddenly, 16-year-old Sean is responsible for Daniel’s safety, shelter, and teaching him right from wrong. As Sean, your choices impact the fate of everyone around you, including your brother.

From Washington, to Oregon, to California, the road to Mexico is long and filled with danger, but also friendship, wonder, and opportunity.

This is the trip that defines Sean and Daniel’s relationship forever.

The complete season of Life is Strange 2 is available now in boxed and digital editions on PC/Steam, PlayStation®4 system and the Xbox One family of devices.