Deathloop is one of those games that’s been hard to put a finger on, partially due to some creative marketing methods. Now, thanks to a new story trailer, we feel like we have a better grasp on what this new, Bethesda-published, IP has in store for us.
Set to release next week, Deathloop is a quirky, first-person game from the team at Arkane Lyon. Within it: Colt, our amnesiac protagonist, is searching for a way out of the Aeon Program’s clutches and off the island of Blackreef. It’s up to the player to unravel the mysteries of Colt’s predicament and ensure his rival, Julianna, doesn’t put a few bullets in him before then.
Check out the game’s quirky, colourful and occasionally violent story trailer, which dropped during Sony’s inaugural PlayStation Showcase.
Deathloop will hit PlayStation 5 and PC on September 14th. Rumour is that its exclusivity is timed, which means that the game should come to Xbox Series sometime in the future.