Pentiment is a stylish and historical narrative from Obsidian

There’s been lots of talk online about Obsidian’s next project(s). Well, one of those was unveiled today, and it wasn’t what we were expecting. That’s for sure.

This new IP is called Pentiment, and it’s a storybook style narrative adventure, and a historical one at that. Set in 16th century Bavaria, it’s described as being a 2D narrative adventure, although it definitely has RPG elements too. Furthermore, it’s coming from the mind behind Fallout: New Vegas.

Set in 16th century Bavaria, Pentiment will take players on a narrative journey through the eyes of Journeyman Artist Andreas Maler during a time of great social unrest. Led by game director Josh Sawyer, this game is brought to life by a talented team inspired by illuminated manuscripts, woodcut prints, and history itself.

Pentiment will bring its hand drawn RPG narrative to PC, Xbox and Game Pass in November.