Grand Theft Auto III released over twenty years ago, but its shockwaves can still be felt to this day. In...
The infamous Saints have returned, as today marks the release of PLAION and Volition’s Saints Row reboot. Here’s what the...
Step right up and meet the cast of Deep Silver and Volition’s Saints Row reboot. You can do just that...
When the Saints Row reboot releases, it will once again task us with becoming the best (and most unique) gang...
If you ever worried that the upcoming Saints Row reboot would lack customization options, those fears were all for naught....
A new year has begun, and with it comes excitement over what our favourite hobby will have in store for...
New year, new games! After so many COVID-19-related disruptions to the video game industry, along with a continued plague of...
A new trailer for Volition’s Saints Row reboot dropped this evening, and it’s chock full of colour, action and general...
After being rumoured for a brief period, a new, rebooted Saints Row game was officially revealed during gamescom. In doing...
This has been the generation of remasters, much to the chagrin of some. That said, it’s something I’ve enjoyed, because...