Among the DC Extended Universe’s unexpected triumphs, few would have initially bet on 2019’s original Shazam!. A full-bore comedy that was...
Warner Bros. and Player First Games took to the Internet today, to share a new cinematic trailer for their Super...
NOTE: Full spoilers for this episode of, “Peacemaker” are present in this review The White Dragon and his forces...
Earlier this evening, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment surprised us by revealing a Wonder Woman video game. In development at Monolith...
NOTE: “Zack Snyder’s Justice League” is available to stream on HBO Max as a Max Original Film in available markets, and...
Wonder Woman 1984 aims to call back to a simpler time for superheroes. A time before shared universes and dense, ceaselessly...
Yesterday was certainly a big day for DC fans across the world! Despite splitting itself across two events in the...
NOTE: Some spoilers from the first season of, “Titans” may be present in this review. That said, the review is written...
NOTE: Full spoilers for this episode of, “Harley Quinn” are present in this review There’s officially no running from...
Earlier today, DC and Warner Bros. revealed their plans to hold a 24 hour-long online event later this summer. They...