Prepare for Launch.

BIG NOTE: Make sure you follow @Eggplante on Twitter to get all the latest and greatest news direct from the source! We’ll be tweeting all the major conferences, and live from the show floor, including people we see, grab photos with, and the awesome news we hear!

E3 is steadily approaching, and we’re only about 48 hours away from the Natal Preview Party on Sunday night! Eggplante’s Christopher Kalanderopoulos and Sean Chin are heading off to LA in about 36 hours, and we’ve got most of our schedule below, including where we’ll be. what we’ll be doing, who we’ll be seeing, and how you can read all about it. Okay, that last one should be obvious. Just tune in to!

Our schedule starts off on Sunday night as mentioned, with the Natal Show-Off which is imagined by none other than Cirque du Soleil, so it should be quite the incredible show! Then, the fun really begins:

Press Junket and Interview with Tommy Tallarico of Video Games Live
Microsoft Press Conference
Ubisoft Press Conference
VGChartz Party

Tuesday – Show Floor Opens!
Nintendo Press Conference
Sony Press Conference
Parrot AR.Drone Unveiling
Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) Interview
SOE Cocktail Reception

Ubisoft Interview
Rock Band 3 Hands-On
Nintendo Booth Tour and Interview
Microsoft Booth Tour

Thursday – Goodbye E3 2010 🙁
OnLive Booth Tour and Interview
NOX Audio
Casio Green Projector
Sony Booth Tour
Video Games Live

So there you have it: our schedule out in the open for all to see! Click on the links for a hint of what you’re getting into before the show, but you probably already know what you want to see!

Expect all the great coverage on the same night we get it, and a massive roundup post when all is said and done and we’re back in Toronto! In the meantime, we’ve got to get to packing! See you from LA!

PS – Yes, we know there haven’t been many music-related posts yet, and we certainly haven’t forgotten about you in the least. This season is our E3 time, but rest assured, two days after we return from Los Angeles, we head to the Much Music Video Awards and it becomes all about the strums and harmonies!