E3 2012: The Conferences, the Interviews, the Booth Tours

E3 2012 is nearly upon us, and today marks the day that we’ve firmed up the major appointments in our schedule. So rather than just keep these things to ourselves, we decided to post them all and let you know exactly what we’ve got going on in Los Angeles this year.

We land Sunday, June 3rd, and while the first E3 event isn’t officially until the next day, the MTV Movie Awards take place that night, so with any luck, we’ll be there reporting from Hollywood! After that, the Electronic Entertainment Expo will officially be upon us, and here’s what we’re up to that week. All times are Los Angeles local Pacific Time; for Eastern times, add three hours.

Monday, June 4

  1. 10:00 AM – Microsoft’s Press Conference
  2. 6:00 PM – Sony’s Press Conference

Tuesday, June 5

  1. 9:00 AM – Nintendo’s Press Conference
  2. 12:00 PM – E3 Show Floor Opens
  3. 1:00 PM – Nintendo Booth Tour
  4. 3:30 PM – Sony Booth Tour
  5. 4:30 PM – Interview with Tommy Tallarico

Wednesday, June 6

  1. 11:00 AM – Microsoft Booth Tour
  2. 1:00 PM – Disney Booth Tour
  3. 3:30 PM – Square Enix Booth Tour
  4. 8:00 PM – Video Games Live
    8:00 PM – The Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses

Thursday, June 7

  1. 1:00 PM – Konami Booth Tour

We purposely left our Thursday a bit light on the interviews and booth tours for two reasons. First, it means we can report on as many goodies as possible early on in the show to really bring you the coverage you want to see. But most of all, it’s because we can leave Thursday for playing all the games we missed, and going back for seconds (and thirds, and fourths) with the games that we loved the first couple of days.

Of course, there are some private events that we haven’t listed for the sake of not making you all jealous, but rest assured there will be even more kick-assery going on during the week of E3 than we’ve let on so far.

So, keep following us on Twitter and Like our page on Facebook, and we’ll see you at E3!