SOMA is coming to Xbox One next month

Underwater psychological horror is heading to Xbox One, with Frictional Games’ SOMA. The game, which is currently only available on PS4 and PC, will now make its way to Microsoft’s console on December 1st.

Played from a first-person perspective, SOMA is a game whose enemies embody its themes. As players submerge themselves in tonnes of water, and make their way to a research station in disrepair, they find that things are not all well and must deal with monsters who threaten their investigative lives.

Like in the developer’s Amnesia games, progression is handled through puzzles instead of combat, and the Xbox One version is going to make things easier for folks who want some help. This will be handled through an all-new (optional) safe mode, which will make it so that folks can experience the story without having to worry about being devoured or ripped apart by any sort of creature.

We’re planning a review of SOMA‘s Xbox One port, and should have it published around launch.