Nintendo officially announces Switch 2, releasing in 2025 Christopher Kalanderopoulos Gaming January 16, 2025
Vampyr’s launch trailer wants to suck your blood Chad Goodmurphy Gaming June 1, 2018 0Focus Home Interactive is less than a handful of days away from launching Vampyr, the historical, moral dilemma filled vampire...
Watch fifty minutes of Vampyr gameplay Chad Goodmurphy Gaming May 24, 2018 0DONTNOD recently hosted a fifty-five minute long stream full Vampyr gameplay. If you missed it, fear not, because YouTube has...
Fear the Reaper in Vampyr’s cinematic story trailer Chad Goodmurphy Gaming April 5, 2018 0DONTNOD has released another trailer for Vampyr, but this one is a bit different than those that came before it....
Masters of Anima gets an overview trailer and a spring release date Chad Goodmurphy Gaming March 22, 2018 0If you’ve been itching to play a game like Overlord, pay attention, because Masters of Anima may be just what...
The Council will begin its historic and episodic psychological warfare on March 13th Chad Goodmurphy Gaming March 7, 2018 0Big Bad Wolf has announced that its episodic and historically-focused narrative adventure game, The Council, will debut later this month....
Focus Home Interactive & Deck 13 announce The Surge 2 Chad Goodmurphy Gaming February 7, 2018 0Fans of the hardcore RPG sub-genre will be happy to hear that, not only was Deck 13’s The Surge experiment...
Go behind the scenes with DONTNOD, as they talk about Vampyr Chad Goodmurphy Gaming January 18, 2018 0Vampyr is progressing well, and DONTNOD wants to invite fans into its development process. They’ve done this by releasing the...
Here’s the first gameplay trailer for Masters of Anima Chad Goodmurphy Gaming January 16, 2018 0This morning, Focus Home Interactive took to YouTube, to unleash the first gameplay trailer for Passtech Games’ Masters of Anima....
78% Seasons After Fall [PS4/Xbox One] Review Brent Botsford Gaming May 20, 2017 0Last year, a lovely little independent game called Seasons After Fall, brought to us by French indie developer, Swing Swing Submarine, graced Steam....