The nemesis system is getting repackaged, through the newly announced Middle-earth: Shadow of War Definitive Edition. Promising to be the...
Despite being the hotly anticipated sequel to Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor, one of 2014’s most beloved dark horse hits, last year’s blockbuster...
Through press release means, Warner Bros. has just revealed exactly what will be included within Middle-earth: Shadow of War‘s free...
Today is the day, folks. As of midnight this morning, Microsoft’s Xbox One X has been available to purchase and...
Through press release means, Warner Bros. has officially detailed the contents of Middle-earth: Shadow of War‘s expansion pass. Alongside this...
Lots has been said about the loot boxes that entice people to spend extra money, for the sake of progression,...
Fans of both action and fantasy can now return to Mordor, through Monolith’s Middle-Earth: Shadow of War. A sequel to...
Today, Warner Bros. took to YouTube to release a brand new 101 trailer for Middle-Earth: Shadow of War, featuring none...
Fury. Doom. War. These three words perfectly sum up Mordor’s Warmonger Tribe, which flexes its violent muscles throughout Middle-Earth: Shadow...
We’ve been introduced to the machinists, the hunters, the fearsome and the marauders. Now, it’s time to meet the Mystic...