Coming out of left field is today’s announcement of a new, Gollum-focused Lord of the Rings adventure game from Daedalic...
Despite being the hotly anticipated sequel to Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor, one of 2014’s most beloved dark horse hits, last year’s blockbuster...
With just shy of a month to go before its release, Warner Bros. and Monolith Productions have ramped up their...
If you’d like to take Middle-Earth: Shadow of War with you at all times, then you’re sort of in luck....
Those who were hoping to journey back to Middle-Earth this summer will be disappointed to hear that it just won’t...
UPDATE 2: Aside from the previously-announced standard edition and Gold Edition of, “Middle-earth: Shadow of War”, certain retailer listings have also...
The release of Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor may be fast approaching on most of its platforms, but it appears that...
With all of these difficult delays on anticipated next-gen games, it’s about time that we had a game release sooner...