Not April Fools: O-Town is reuniting

Apparently, O-Town is reuniting, and they’re trying to make #otown2014 a thing. We’re not sure if that will happen, but here are the details:

The band announced late last night (read: not April Fools’ Day) that they would be reuniting with four of the five original band members (Ashley Parker Angel not included). In an admittedly well-produced video, the band states that this won’t be just a reunion and that new music will somehow be involved.

They’ve also stated that they’re not represented by any corporate music company or big label, indicating that they’re going it alone or that they couldn’t get a studio to back them well over a decade after their original debut. Of course, the contact and booking information on their site lists William Morris Endeavor, one of the largest agencies in the world.

Take a look at the video, and let us know if you’re on the #otown2014 bandwagon. You can also follow their countdown clock at