Two years ago, what was frequently declared the best Stephen King horror adaptation yet was released in theatres, that being...
The Angry Birds Movie felt like something of an oddity during the time of its release. The obvious name recognition certainly...
Back in 2015, a dark and gritty fan film called Power/Rangers released on YouTube and Vimeo, showcasing a more adult-specific take on...
You’d think that the combination of Disney, one of the biggest and most beloved movie studios in the world, Steven...
Hollywood truly will make movies out of anything these days, so why not a smartphone game? Seeing as this is...
NOTE: Full spoilers for this episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine are present in this review After the very short...
NOTE: Full spoilers for this episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine are present in this review Brooklyn Nine-Nine’s impressive second season rounded...
It should come as no surprise that Amy Schumer and Judd Apatow are a match made in comedy Heaven. Both...
Ever since shattering expectations with Toy Story 3 at the start of the decade, it seemed that Pixar strangely lost their way....