Among the multiple Disney animation renaissances throughout the company’s long history, few are remembered as fondly as that of the...
Despite an onslaught of online hatred and bile from supposed ‘fans’ of the classic Ghostbusters movies, the 2016 female-led reboot of Ghostbusters has done...
Before we can address anything to do with this year’s heavily contested Ghostbusters reboot, it’s unfortunately impossible to do so without acknowledging...
Melissa McCarthy is one of Hollywood’s top comedy actresses at this point. She’s an immensely, powerfully talented woman, who can...
Spy spoofs are something that Hollywood has routinely attempted, yet very rarely succeeded at. This is why it was such...
UPDATE: Shortly after revealing the lead cast of the Ghostbusters reboot, Feig followed up with a release date for the movie. Apparently, it...
It seemed like quite the rumour when it cropped up on the internet recently, but now, it’s been made official!...
Tammy is a road trip without a destination. Yes, that’s sometimes a recipe for unpredictable fun and adventure in the...
It’s funny because the idiot cops are ladies … right? This seems to be the pitch behind director, Paul Feig’s...