Among the DC Extended Universe’s unexpected triumphs, few would have initially bet on 2019’s original Shazam!. A full-bore comedy that was...
“The hierarchy of power in the DC Universe is about to change.” This was the ambitious promise made by Dwayne...
Those who’ve been waiting for LEGO DC Super-Villains to receive more DLC are in luck, as the game has just...
The DC Extended Universe is certainly in an interesting position, given that its most recent offering centered around one of DC’s most...
After setting a series of mystery movies over the course of the next six years, their first strides to realizing...
After years of rumours, speculation and all sorts of hush-hush meetings with DC, Dwayne Johnson took to Twitter today to...
One has to wonder why DC didn’t see fit to make this massive announcement at this year’s Comic-Con, but, nonetheless,...