Nintendo officially announces Switch 2, releasing in 2025 Christopher Kalanderopoulos Gaming January 16, 2025
New Yooka-Laylee character revealed, has best name ever Christopher Kalanderopoulos Gaming November 11, 2015 0Yooka-Laylee, the spiritual successor to Banjo-Kazooie is garnering lots of attention as its release draws closer and closer. The game’s developer, Playtonic...
Mega Man successor, Mighty No. 9 gets new February release date Brent Botsford Gaming September 26, 2015 0After being delayed out of this year, and stirring up controversy when its PC-only backer-promised demo was also indefinitely delayed,...
70% Woah Dave! Review Brent Botsford Gaming September 21, 2015 0There’s a certain elegant magic to arcade-style experiences. Once the predominant time-waster of so many children in the 80’s and...
56% Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered Review Brent Botsford Gaming August 12, 2015 0Before cozying up to Sony to deliver the likes of Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls, Quantic Dream released a rather interesting gaming...
65% Hatoful Boyfriend Review Brent Botsford Gaming August 12, 2015 0Being a young high school girl that’s just enrolled at the elite St. PigeoNation’s Academy, your heart is sent aflutter...
Mega Man successor, Mighty No. 9 delayed to next year Brent Botsford Gamescom 2015 August 5, 2015 0Comcept hasn’t been having a very good time lately, particularly after the recent Kickstarter debacle of the infamously botched and...
E3 2015 Hands-on Impressions: Soul Axiom (Wii U) Brent Botsford E3 2015 June 21, 2015 0Wales Interactive has made a name for themselves developing atmospheric, abstract and highly ambitious sci-fi stories in the indie game...
E3 2015 Hands-on Impressions: RIVE Brent Botsford E3 2015 June 21, 2015 0Some indie games are quiet, pensive and peaceful, introspective and calming with their sense of self-examination and tranquility. RIVE is not one...
E3 2015 Hands-on Impressions: forma.8 Brent Botsford E3 2015 June 19, 2015 0forma.8 is incredibly immersive, which is pretty impressive when one considers its lowly hero. The game is an open-ended adventure-style game...
Mega Man successor, Mighty No. 9 gets September release date Brent Botsford Gaming April 28, 2015 0If you’ve been keeping up with the Kickstarter updates of spiritual Mega Man successor, Mighty No. 9, you might have noticed that...