At a launch event held in Jamaica, Eon Productions has announced the principal cast of the as-yet-unnamed 25th entry in the...
The LEGO Movie remains one of 2014’s best surprise hits, beating the odds by turning what was believed to be one...
Japanese culture and sensibilities may have played a key part in the development of the video game industry, but it’s...
As much as we’d like to think otherwise, Hollywood really hasn’t changed that much since the 1950’s. That seems to...
Nothing defines classic Bond villains quite like SPECTRE, the Special Executive for Counter-Intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge, and Extortion. Originally the foes...
After months of rumours, it’s finally been confirmed who will be bringing us the latest theme song for the long...
UPDATE: After Sony’s big reveal of Spectre as the 24th James Bond movie, Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace actor,...
It’s nearly impossible to dispute that last year’s billion-dollar-plus grossing Skyfall is one of the best Bond movies of all...