Despite the very positive initial reception to Nintendo’s video trailer for their upcoming next-gen hybrid gaming platform, Nintendo Switch, rumours...
Ever since Street Fighter II revolutionized the one-on-one tournament fighter back in 1991, Capcom’s seminal franchise has often led the charge as...
Despite controversially shirking the Xbox One in its entirety, Capcom’s upcoming fighting game, Street Fighter V has generated lots of positive buzz....
It seemed inevitable that the infamously PlayStation-favouring Street Fighter V would make an appearance at Sony’s E3 keynote tonight, and sure enough,...
If you’re among the many Xbox enthusiasts with a taste for fighters that were bummed out about the announcement that Street...
Well, it’s progress. Capcom has at long last confirmed that a new Mega Man game is in development, and is not far...
Release plans are starting to come together for the PlayStation 4 port of Ultra Street Fighter IV, which was announced during...
UPDATE: Sony and Capcom officially unveiled Street Fighter V at the PlayStation Experience, re-affirming it as a PlayStation 4 and...