1047 Games reveals Splitgate 2 alpha date, large matches and additional content Gaming February 13, 2025
Nintendo officially announces Switch 2, releasing in 2025 Christopher Kalanderopoulos Gaming January 16, 2025
PSX 2015: Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom announced Brent Botsford Gaming December 5, 2015 0Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch was one of the most beloved third-party exclusives to hit the PlayStation...
PSX 2015: Ace Combat 7 announced for PlayStation 4, will feature VR support Brent Botsford Gaming December 5, 2015 0One of the lesser-known, but undeniably loved Bandai Namco game properties is Ace Combat, a flight simulator series that is...
PSX 2015: Ratchet & Clank remake gets release date Brent Botsford Gaming December 5, 2015 0If you’re looking forward to next year’s remake of the original Ratchet & Clank game, then good news! The release...
PSX 2015: MLB 16: The Show announced for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 Brent Botsford Gaming December 5, 2015 0In one of the PlayStation Experience keynote’s more predictable announcements this year, Sony San Diego unveiled the next installment in...
PSX 2015: Yakuza 5 arrives this Tuesday, Yakuza Zero officially releasing in North America Brent Botsford Gaming December 5, 2015 0PlayStation has made a concentrated effort to, “Grow the list” recently, whereupon they gauge fan feedback for the kind of...
PSX 2015: Double Fine is making a Psychonauts game for PlayStation VR Brent Botsford Gaming December 5, 2015 0It seems like only yesterday that Psychonauts was a forgotten classic in the Double Fine catalogue, doomed to be loved, but never...
PSX 2015: Double Fine is remastering classic LucasArts adventure game, Full Throttle Brent Botsford Gaming December 5, 2015 0UPDATE: Double Fine has confirmed that Full Throttle: Remastered is also coming to PC at the same time as the...
PSX 2015: Final Fantasy VII remake reveals first gameplay details Brent Botsford Gaming December 5, 2015 0After its earth-shattering announcement during Sony’s E3 press briefing this year, the Final Fantasy VII remake popped up again as...
PSXP: Yakuza 5 will come to the West in 2015 Brent Botsford Gaming December 7, 2014 0Sega’s made some pretty shaky mis-steps lately, particularly with the most recent Sonic Boom game debacle. If there’s one modern...
PSXP: Sony Santa Monica developing new God of War game Brent Botsford Gaming December 7, 2014 0After the excitement of Sony’s keynote, one major PlayStation franchise was conspicuously missing, that being highly beloved action-adventure series, God...