Nintendo officially announces Switch 2, releasing in 2025 Christopher Kalanderopoulos Gaming January 16, 2025
Video Games Live: Level 3 Review Max Shimada Album Reviews April 5, 2014 0The good, the bad, and the unnecessary For those of you still aren’t aware of the widely popular Video Games...
Not April Fools: O-Town is reuniting Christopher Kalanderopoulos Music April 1, 2014 0Apparently, O-Town is reuniting, and they’re trying to make #otown2014 a thing. We’re not sure if that will happen, but...
JOY of MOTION by Animals As Leaders Album Review Max Shimada Album Reviews March 22, 2014 0On March 25th, 2014 the world of rock music, jazz and metal, will rejoice once again to release the beautiful...
Video Games Live returning to San Diego Comic-Con in July Christopher Kalanderopoulos Gaming March 19, 2014 0Video Games Live, the symphonic brainchild of Tommy Tallarico, is returning to San Diego Comic-Con on July 24th. The show...
The importance of music in Bravely Default Max Shimada Album Reviews March 13, 2014 0We all know music in a game is just as important as the gameplay itself, but have you ever put...
Harmonix announces Chroma, a music-based shooter Christopher Kalanderopoulos Gaming February 17, 2014 0Harmonix, the company behind games such as Rock Band and Dance Central, among many other rhythm- and music-based titles, has announced their...
Beyonce destroys iTunes records with surprise visual album Christopher Kalanderopoulos Entertainment December 16, 2013 0While some female icono-pop stars are not doing so well this year – Katy Perry, Britney Spears, Lady Gaga, and Miley...
Hello, again! Christopher Kalanderopoulos Entertainment August 22, 2013 0It seems that Eggplante suffered a bit of an odd outage these past few days. Some people reported seeing odd...
Symphony of the Goddesses: Second Quest Review Christopher Kalanderopoulos Concerts July 16, 2013 0At E3 this year, we were treated to something special from Nintendo. No, not the games or the events, but...
Video Games Live adds over 30 new shows, tons of new content! Brent Botsford Gaming June 29, 2013 0Do you like video game music? If you do, chances are you’ve heard of Video Games Live; A concert movement...