1047 Games reveals Splitgate 2 alpha date, large matches and additional content Gaming February 13, 2025
Nintendo officially announces Switch 2, releasing in 2025 Christopher Kalanderopoulos Gaming January 16, 2025
This is what Cortana looks like in Halo 5 (as spoiler free as possible) Christopher Kalanderopoulos Gaming October 26, 2015 0We’ve played and played and played. Now, it’s time to finally reveal some of the cool little details about Halo 5:...
93% Halo 5: Guardians Review Christopher Kalanderopoulos Gaming October 26, 2015 0Spoiler warning: mild story details follow if you have not paid attention to any preview coverage or mission walkthroughs. When we reviewed Halo...
New Halo 5 screenshots show-off locales and characters Christopher Kalanderopoulos Gaming October 24, 2015 0Microsoft and 343 Industries have released a massive onslaught of assets for reviews and previews of Halo 5: Guardians, which is...
Halo 5 to have 20 maps at launch, 15 more later Christopher Kalanderopoulos E3 2015 June 18, 2015 0343 Industries has announced that Halo 5: Guardians will ship with no fewer than 20 multiplayer maps at launch when the...
Hands on Microsoft HoloLens with Halo 5: Guardians Christopher Kalanderopoulos E3 2015 June 17, 2015 0One of the virtual reality offerings out there that really intrigues us is Microsoft’s HoloLens platform. Shown off at the...
Hands on Halo 5: Guardians Warzone multiplayer Christopher Kalanderopoulos E3 2015 June 17, 2015 0We got out of a match of Halo 5: Guardians new Warzone multiplayer, and it is official: there is a lot...
Street legal Master Chief motorcycle helmet coming in July Christopher Kalanderopoulos Gaming February 18, 2015 0We’re used to seeing licensed products based on video games, their characters, and even their spin-offs, but this is a...
343 apologizing for Halo: The Master Chief Collection issues with free content Brent Botsford Gaming December 20, 2014 0Q4 2014 has had a serious problem with releasing broken games. A very serious problem. Among the scads of games...
E3 2013 Impressions: Halo: Spartan Assault Christopher Kalanderopoulos E3 2013 June 20, 2013 0A lot of people expected 2013 to be a Halo-less year. We just got Halo 4, preceded by Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary Edition...