Nintendo officially announces Switch 2, releasing in 2025 Christopher Kalanderopoulos Gaming January 16, 2025
Nintendo to close Wii U and 3DS eShop in March 2023 Christopher Kalanderopoulos Gaming February 17, 2022 0Nintendo has announced that it will be shuttering the eShop on Wii U and Nintendo 3DS in just over a...
89% Super Mario Maker Review Christopher Kalanderopoulos Gaming September 2, 2015 0Next week, Nintendo will launch its most aggressive Mario game yet. Not because Mario himself has become a badass murderer or anything,...
75% New Super Luigi U Review Christopher Kalanderopoulos Gaming July 4, 2013 0New Super Luigi U is a game with a bit of an identity crisis. It’s a new game based on...
Injustice DLC now available on Wii U Brent Botsford Gaming July 4, 2013 0If you happened to purchase, or are wanting to purchase Injustice: Gods Among Us for Wii U, only to be...
E3 2013 Impressions: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze Christopher Kalanderopoulos E3 2013 June 17, 2013 0It’s on oxymoron, Tropical Freeze is. What isn’t an oxymoron is amazingly awesome, and that’s exactly what this game is. We’ve...
E3 2013: The Conferences, the Interviews, and the Booth Tours Christopher Kalanderopoulos Booth Tours June 7, 2013 0E3 2013 is nearly here! Since we’re going to be heading out to Los Angeles earlier than usual, we wanted...
Nintendo Direct Roundup: May 2013 Brent Botsford E3 2013 May 17, 2013 0As we predicted, this latest Nintendo Direct event was rather lightweight. There weren’t really any showstopping game announcements like there...
Pikmin 3 delayed to August 4th Christopher Kalanderopoulos Gaming April 17, 2013 0Among its other news today, Nintendo managed to squeeze out the release date for Pikmin 3. The game, which was supposed to...
Ubisoft confirms Splinter Cell: Blacklist coming to Wii U Christopher Kalanderopoulos Gaming April 10, 2013 0A few months ago, the internet got word of a resume that detailed a Wii U version of Ubisoft’s upcoming Splinter...
88% LEGO City: Undercover Review Christopher Kalanderopoulos Gaming March 23, 2013 0The Wii U didn’t have the smoothest launch, nor does it have a great wealth of games worth mentioning. Thankfully,...