In a move that has surprised precisely zero people, Nintendo has announced Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon versions in a short six-minute Pokémon Direct that aired this...
After hackers dug deep into the game code of Pokemon X and Pokemon Y for Nintendo 3DS following their release in October 2013, they found...
Nintendo and The Pokemon Company have just opened, an online store dedicated to all sorts of cool Pokemon-themed merchandise!...
Pokemon X and Pokemon Y, last year’s top-selling Nintendo 3DS blockbusters, have just hit a milestone, surpassing 100 million GTS...
After images of unannounced monsters were discovered in the game code of Pokémon X and Pokémon Y, one of these...
After being delayed from a planned December 27th, 2013 release on the Nintendo 3DS eShop due to post-Holiday server stress,...
We’ve done Xbox 360 games. We’ve done PlayStation 3 games. We also added Wii games to the mix. So this time around,...
Let me make a confession: I haven’t enjoyed a Pokémon game (not including spin-offs) since Pokémon Silver. While in theory I would...
During a specialized Nintendo Direct presentation dedicated entirely to soon-releasing 3DS blockbusters, Pokémon X and Pokémon Y, Nintendo announced the...
With Pokémon X and Pokémon Y nearly here it’s about time we release some fresh news, today we’re focusing on the rumoured...